Gratituous ARP and the em driver

Nielsen nielsen at
Wed Jan 14 12:45:46 PST 2004

Yes, this is the case. I tested it again, and the arp packet in question 
doesn't get to the other machines. The sending machine does send 
gratituous arp, however the em NIC is down for 3 or 4 seconds, and the 
packet isn't sent on the wire.

I find it odd that the em driver would need to reinitialize the NIC each 
time an alias is added. I haven't seen any other network drivers do this.

And, yes, it occurs every time an alias is added or removed from the 
NIC. Not just the first time.



Robert Watson wrote:

>On -1 xxx -1, Nielsen wrote:
>If you run tcpdump on the machine to sniff the interface in question
>looking for arp packets, does tcpdump see the gratuitous arp?  I'm
>guessing that it does, and the lack of sending the arp is a result of
>delays in negotiating on the wire.  Does this problem turn up only the
>first time you raise the interface, or every time you change the IP
>address on the interface? 
>Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
>robert at      Senior Research Scientist, McAfee Research

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