portscan looks like.....

Bob Ababurko ababurko at adelphia.net
Mon Aug 23 21:21:24 PDT 2004


   I have just done a portscan on my FreeBSD box running 5.2.1 and got :

22/tcp   open  ssh
25/tcp   open  smtp
80/tcp   open  http
111/tcp  open  rpcbind
1023/tcp open  netvenuechat

now, i made a faux pas when i configured this machine and had made this a 
nfs client...i belive that was the case.  I am now interested in turning 
this off, and will be able to do that with rpcbind_enable="NO" in rc.conf.
     Then there is the case of the port 1023.  I have no idea how to turn 
this off or how it got turned on.  Could the rpcbind allowed someone into 
my computer to hack it up?  I am pretty scared at this point.  Can somone 
help me?


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