ADSL PPoA or RFC1483, any solutions ?

Harti Brandt brandt at
Thu Oct 2 00:53:14 PDT 2003

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Bruce M Simpson wrote:

BMS>On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 02:17:59PM -0400, Barney Wolff wrote:
BMS>> Are you talking about running the phone line directly to the fbsd box
BMS>> with no dsl modem?
BMS>Yes. Also, PPPoA in FreeBSD is currently only implemented if you use ngatm,
BMS>because of the signalling involved. RFC 1483 framing is a simple bolt-on
BMS>to the existing HARP drivers, but those don't support xDSL PHYs.

Does PPPoA really need signalling? I tried to find any pointers to PPPoA
specification, but this seems to be not easy to find.

harti brandt,
brandt at, harti at

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