Viewing multicast group membership?

Bruce M Simpson bms at
Mon Nov 10 16:11:39 PST 2003

On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 12:36:44AM +0100, Hitoshi Asaeda wrote:
> ifmcstat delievered by KAME is not sufficient?

ifmcstat only appears to report IPv6 group memberships. However, reading
its manpage prompted me to try netstat -ina -- this does what I originally
wanted. Thank you.

However, I still think that Harti's patch is worth looking at, as expecting
client programs other than netstat(1) to cough up the incantations found
in intpr() on demand is too much -- there is also the fact that it relies
upon being setgid kmem to discover these properties, and less of that is
definitely a good thing.


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