ipfw/natd/3 nic

Barney Wolff barney at databus.com
Tue Dec 23 08:23:28 PST 2003

On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 08:23:00AM -0500, Peter Serwe wrote:
> I have 2 internal networks that I'll term
> private_private (
> and public_private (
> I have one public ip address.
> I need both networks to be able to surf,
> but I _never_ want ANY traffic to be able
> to go in between except from someone having
> direct access to the router.  The router shouldn't
> be passing any traffic in between private networks.

I don't think you need(ed) two public addresses to accomplish what
you want.  The ipfw divert rule can have "via <external-nic>" to
apply only to packets to/from the Internet, and you can have deny
rules for packets flowing between your two internal nets.  I don't
see a need to run two natd's here.

Barney Wolff         http://www.databus.com/bwresume.pdf
I'm available by contract or FT, in the NYC metro area or via the 'Net.

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