ng_fec and vlans

Shaun Jurrens shaun.jurrens at
Tue Aug 19 10:51:28 PDT 2003

Good day all,

In my infinite striving towards perfection *cough* I've gone through a lot of
hoops to get ng_fec working for (at least for the time being) the bge 
interfaces (not that I understand it really yet).  Now, being limited in 
the number of interfaces available to me on this project, I'm attempting 
to attach vlans to the fec interface, with no signs of success, up to 
this point.

I have two dell 1750's connected to a c3750 switch.  FEC works with ip
addresses attached to the fec0 interfaces (although, single connections seem
to remain on one link or the other, I haven't played with the load-balancing
on the switch yet for the channel group, might be my fault).  

My questions are:

1) Is is even possible to successfully "attach" vlan devices to netgraph
nodes, specifically the ng_fec node (I can't decipher enough of netgraph to
begin with to make a guess, just a copy monkey here...), i.e. have interface
fec the parent device?

2) Is the correct way on the Cisco side to configure interfaces in the FEC 
group as trunks, _or_ group them as access ports, and make the FEC group a 
trunk?  (I haven't read exhaustively on this, seems to be some descrepency
between CatOS and IOS on this anyway...)

btw, with a few more hints, I could get a manpage up...  I have patches to 
attach it to the world build as well, compiles fine on 4.8-R, fwiw.

Med vennlig hilsen/Sincerely,

Shaun D. Jurrens
Drift og Sikkerhetskonsulent
Oslo Skoleetaten

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