TCP socket shutdown race condition

Mike Silbersack silby at
Wed Aug 13 14:58:38 PDT 2003

On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Ed Maste wrote:

> I think I've found the problem.
> crfree() is called from a lot of places (I counted at least 20) including
> sodealloc() in the socket code, crcopy() etc.  It's called at splnet() from
> sodealloc().   I'm not sure what spl (if any) it might be called at from
> elsewhere, but certainly not splnet().
> I'm going to investigate the correct solution for this and supply a
> PR / patch, but for now let me know if more information is desired.
> -ed

Hm, sounds like you've done some solid debugging, and this should be easy
to fix.  However, perhaps we need to think about this for a little bit
longer before we just switch to atomic operations or a spl call within the
cr functions...

As I understand it, 4.x uses just a single lock on anything going into the
kernel, meaning that this type of problem should be prevented.  However,
maybe there's something a lot more subtle which actually goes on.  What
I'm thinking is that perhaps we're seeing a single entrypoint which
happens to call the cr* functions that should be more generally locked,
and that we're just seeing the problem in the cr functions.

John, can you give us a quick overview of how 4.x SMP works so that we can
determine the correct solution here?  My main question is this:  If CPU 1
is chugging along at a low SPL level and an interrupt comes in to CPU 2,
can it wrestle control away from the other CPU, and/or run the interrupt
handler concurrently?


Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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