Trouble with 5.1-RELEASE and Broadcom BCM5704C

Dirk Janssen djanssen at
Mon Aug 11 12:10:08 PDT 2003

Hi Bill,

>The BCM5704 has a smaller memory buffer space than earlier NICs, and the
>bge(4) driver up to 5.1-RELEASE failed to take this into account. I
>checked in a fix for this to 5-CURRENT and 4-STABLE yesterday. You can
>apply the following workaround on your 5.1-RELEASE systems to fix this
>(same workaround will work on 4.8-RELEASE as well):
>- Bring up /sys/dev/bge/if_bge.c in your favorite editor. - Search for
>the following line of code:
>        CSR_WRITE_4(sc, BGE_BMAN_MBUFPOOL_LEN, 0x18000);
>It should appear twice in the bge_blockinit() function. - Change 0x18000
>to 0x10000 in both places. - Recompile your kernel and/or if_bge.ko

thanks for the information about this workaround. I will try it out 
tomorrow and give you a feedback.


Dirk Janssen

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