ipfw - natd - squid - 3 Nic's - 1 FBSD 5.1 server and routing question

Asbjorn L. Johansen notsane at sveitt.org
Mon Aug 4 19:08:11 PDT 2003

Olivier Nicole wrote:
>>The problem is that I don't know how to get the outgoing
>>requests from squid to use the nic that is connected to the cable company.
> I think that at least would need quite some twisting of the set-up.
> Is the outgoing bandwidth a problem (usually that is the incoming
> bandwidth that is saturated and the outgoing is pretty empty).

Not only outgoing traffic for squid will be traversing that link, but 
also the answers to those requests sent out. So even thought your not 
really interested in the outgoing traffic as such, you have to send it 
out on that link to get responses back on the same link.
Asbjørn L. Johansen
notsane at sveitt.org

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