CFT: avidemux 2.6.8

Juergen Lock nox at
Sat Mar 22 21:35:06 UTC 2014


 frogs started an update of avidemux to a more recent version and
I got it to a point where avidemux3_qt4 i.e. the qt4 gui runs
and seems to work; the gtk gui crashes but from reports on the
web it's broken on Linux too and doesn't get much love anymore.
(the qt4 gui also crashes when the gtk gui is installed btw,
it picks up gtk plugins which crash when invoked...)
avidemux3_cli runs w/o args at least, I haven't tried actually
using it.

 If you want to test avidemux 2.6.8 here is the shar:

 Or you can checkout from redports:

	svn co

first redports build: (still running atm)

 You'll need to install at least multimedia/avidemux26
as well as multimedia/avidemux26-plugins and
multimedia/avidemux26-qt4 .  Oh and ignore my non-avidemux ports
on redports, they're older than what's in ports.

 Enjoy, :)

PS: The nls stuff doesn't seem to get built anymore, do we care?

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