FreeBSD and snd_hdspe last-ditch attempt

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Tue Jan 22 20:33:16 UTC 2013

Hi :)

I can use Opera to play YouTube by the analog IOs of the HDSPe AIO sound  
card. I can use Jack with OSS and play a WAV by Audacity and by Audacious  
and I also can hear ZynAddSubFX. All of them only use the 2 analog IOs.

If I test VLC with OSS and /dev/dsp or /dev/dsp* (* is for 0 to 7), it  
doesn't work.

I don't know how to use Gnome Music Player Client. It's asking for an  
ominous host, it's seemingly not the name of the machine.

cat file > /dev/dsp is mentioned in the handbook, but it doesn't work.  
ALSA completely isn't available.

Is there nobody able to help? Are there no correct instructions what to  
do? Is anybody else using snd_hdspe besides the coder and me?


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