Apologies to those that tried vdr and only got a crash...

Juergen Lock nox at jelal.kn-bremen.de
Sat Dec 10 17:57:03 UTC 2011


 I just committed a fix for vdr crashing at first start when there
was no %%PREFIX%%/etc/vdr/setup.conf yet, I never noticed this
before because I only tested the last updates with my exiting
installation that of course already had a setup.conf...  So if
you were affected by that crash you can now update your portstree
and try again.

 (Btw I also updated the xineliboutput plugin to a more recent
snapshot and fixed random vdr-sxfe xvdr+tcp:// restart failures
when the server was starting streaming `too fast'.)

 And about updating the other vdr ports to more recent versions,
I shall look at that after the end of the ports feature freeze.

 Thanx, :)

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