Downloading RTSP stream?

b. f. bf1783 at
Mon Sep 21 02:32:10 UTC 2009

Christian Weisgerber wrote:
>Plain openRTSP creates separate audio and video files.  I don't
>think this is useful for later playing.

Useful for editing, but not perhaps as convenient for playing.
However, mplayer has the -audiofile switch, and various
synchronization options, for the case of separate audio and video
files.  By the way, when you were attempting to download this with
mplayer, did you use -dumpstream in conjunction with -dumpfile, and
did you experiment with the -rtsp-* switches?  And do any other
players (e.g. xine, vlc) play the output files -- or do they fail,

> mplayer doesn't find
>anything in the output of openRTSP -4 (or -q).

Yes, I think that the sample openRTSP client is very flexible, but
doesn't adapt well to different streams when no settings are
specified.  I've gotten garbage under default settings, and had to
tinker with various knobs.  I got mplayer to play the output of the
first 30 seconds of your stream, albeit with a stream of error
messages (I used tcp transport to allow passage through a firewall,
and had to bump the buffer sizes as a result):

openRTSP -4 -B 100000 -b 100000 -d 30 -D 110 -Q -n -t
> naddy30.mp4

> but I'd prefer MP4 over WMV.
> Just because.

:)  Yes, using a proprietary format sticks in my craw, too.


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