Fwd: pvr-xxx on 7.0

Danny Pansters danny at ricin.com
Thu May 15 21:41:08 UTC 2008

> > > >>i observed something strange on 7.0 with this driver. mplayer is now
> > > >>able to sync a/v properly when doing "mplayer /dev/cxm0". i would
> > > >>like
> > > >>to hear from others about this.

mplayer has been updated, that might be the difference. With my ffcxm backend 
for kbtv, I have basically turned ffplay into a library and added some simple 
stuff (to fit into backend api). One thing I noticed is that the only way to 
keep a/v in sync is to call the ffcxm event code as soon as possible rather 
than in line with the video frame rate as I was doing earlier. Considering 
that ffmpeg/ffplay is multithreaded (but with some internally fixed 
parameters, some of which I may have also made a bit more agressive in my 
ffcxm), this is only logical.

So I think it's quite possible that what you're seeing is merely an 
improvement in mplayer, in the way they use ffmpeg or in their thread 
handling or both, not a necessarily a difference between FreeBSD 6 and 7.
I haven't looked at mplayer's source code recently.

I can say that kbtv2+cxm performed somewhat better on my i386 (fbsd6) and 
amd64 (fbsd7) machine than mplayer did, but that's a while ago ~3 months.

That is unless you are using the same (old) mplayer than you were using 
before. In that case I don't know why you're seeing this difference.



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