FreeBSD7/xorg/radeon: Section "Screen" totally ignored

Zbigniew Baniewski zb at
Sat May 10 16:37:26 UTC 2008

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 04:35:46PM +0100, Richard Bown wrote:

> One thing you could check on is how many xorg.conf files you have on
> the system.

Just one: /etc/xorg.conf

> try deleting all the xorg.conf file in /root and /etc/X11
> run Xorg -configure which if it behaves produces a file
> then copy to xorg.conf

Unfortunately, it gave nothing more interesting, than just using xorgconf.

> then start x, if you lucky it might start
> section 5.4.2 of the handbook covers it 

No, I'm afraid, the real clue I've found reading man page of xorg.conf. Yes,
I wrote "I'm afraid", because there is:

About screen-section:

   Modes  "mode-name" ...
          This  optional  entry  specifies the list of video modes to use.
          Each mode-name specified must be in double  quotes.   They  must
          correspond  to  those specified or referenced in the appropriate
          Monitor section (including implicitly referenced  built-in  VESA
          standard  modes).   The  server will delete modes from this list
          which don't satisfy various requirements.

So, there's a need to examine appropriate section:

       The  config file may have multiple Monitor sections. [..]

       Mode  "name"
          This is an optional multi-line entry that can be used to provide
          definitions for video modes for the monitor. [..]

          DotClock  clock
              is the dot (pixel) clock rate to be used for the mode.

          HTimings  hdisp hsyncstart hsyncend htotal
              specifies the horizontal timings for the mode.

          VTimings  vdisp vsyncstart vsyncend vtotal
              specifies the vertical timings for the mode.

          Flags  "flag" ...
              specifies  an optional set [..]

          HSkew  hskew
              specifies the number of pixels [..]

          VScan  vscan
              specifies  the  number [..]

So, if I properly understood, using quite modern Xorg, I've got to look for
several values of "skews & scans" (and timings, and...), like I used to over
10 years ago, in early "paleo-Linux" days...  :]
				pozdrawiam / regards

						Zbigniew Baniewski

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