FreeBSD7/xorg/radeon: Section "Screen" totally ignored

Richard Bown richard.bown at
Sat May 10 13:46:44 UTC 2008


>I've got a problem while replacing NVidia GeForce4 with Radeon
>9000Pro: it
>seems, that xorg totally ignores either entire `Section "Screen"'
>paragraph, or at least every single `SubSection "Display"' entry inside
>that paragaraph.

>As a result, I'm unable to have desired resolution at desired bpp, when
starting X-server, it always chooses on its own. The second consequence
is, that there's no possibility to switch resolutions using
<Ctrl>-<Alt>-<+ -> anymore.

Below a copy of my xorg.conf. I'm using the same config under Linux (got
dual-boot install) - with just slight differences (mouse, /dev/* etc. -
you know; nothing screen-related) - without any problems. So, it must
be a bug in FreeBSD's port of radeon driver, most probably. Does there
exist any workaround?

Or perhaps there's missing something FreeBSD specific?


I found exactly the same thing with a Nvidia card, the nv driver just
ignored the screen section. and you could only use low res 16 bit and in
my case 1024 x 768.
See the earlier thread of "RE:Problems with V7" and replace Nvidia
with .Radeon
there seems no compatibility between xorg.conf created in linux and
xorg.conf created in FreeBSD. 
You could try loading PC-BSD and seeing what that puts in xorg.conf.
BUT beware of its loader, it will use the largest partition it can find.
so don't leave the power connected to the HD that has linux. or
anything else you want to keep.
Easiest just to use a spare  2~3 GB HD. 

good luck

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