Problems with V7.0

Richard Bown richard.bown at
Tue May 6 12:06:47 UTC 2008

On Tue, 06 May 2008 12:00:47 +0100
Tom Evans < at> wrote:

> On Sun, 2008-05-04 at 08:58 +0100, Richard-1 wrote:
> > HI Rick
> > Thanks for the info,
> > I'll put my comments art the end of the mail, Mandriva's back port
> > of claws-mail doesn't put the original mail in quotes.
> Which made the context unsalvagable :)
> AFAICT there are no DVB-T drivers for FreeBSD. Some of the analogue
> cards/analogue parts of hybrid cards have support. It's keeping
> my-under-the-tv box running linux unfortunately :/
> Tom
Hi Tom

in the mail from Rick Nekus, he mentions
-For the conexant/Huappage stuff check out the "pvrxxx" FreeBSD port and/or serch the subject threads here.
I have a Hauppage PVR-350 thats workin great on FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE, although I havent checked in a year or so :)
But looking at the Hauppauge site , although it has a mpeg2 decoder, its
used on record & playback.
We still have analog TV here for the next three years, so I could put
an analog card back in.
What I am finding a little surprising is the difference between
supported devices between FreeBSD and the variety of linux Distros.
OK the number of users is a lot lower, but maybe something like
ndiswrapper so that linux drivers could be used , wouldn't be a bad
and probably not too difficult..
Both DVB-T and DVB-S are going to be important to get going especially
now so many countries are changing over to it.

Best Wishes
Richard Bown
OS: FreeBSD 7.0, AMD64 x2 Dual Core 4400+, 8GB RAM
located 75 kms NE Birmingham UK
QRV HF + all bands 50 MHz to 10 GHZ

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