bktr and GPIO

Achilleas Mantzios achill at matrix.gatewaynet.com
Fri Oct 26 08:27:43 PDT 2007

Στις Παρασκευή 26 Οκτώβριος 2007 16:59, ο/η Mark Tinguely έγραψε:
> (deleted information. He is interested in getting the Zoneminder bktr(8)
> based relays to work).
> >  I have some contact with the person who manufactures the cards and
> > writes the linux drivers, and he asked me if FreeBSD has access to bt878
> > GPIO, and said that it would be easy if so.
> You will need to know what values need to be writen to which register to
> enable the particular relay. In the kernel driver source program, add
> a new ioctl() so that you can enable this feature from the user program.

According to Vassili Leonov of LML,
In relation to bits assignments on LMLBT4M and LMLBT44 cards:

/* to allow access to GPIO bits for sensors input and
   alarms output

   GPIObit    | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
   assignment | TI | O3|INx| O2| O1|IN4|IN3|IN2|IN1|   |   |

   IN - sensor inputs, INx - sensor inputs and TI XORed together
   O1,O2,O3 - alarm outputs (relays)

   GPIO bits should be enabled for outpus as follows:

   OUT ENABLE   1    1   0  . 1  1   0   0 . 0   0   0    0   = 0x6C0


So the words are 11 bits long.

> The command inside the new ioctl() will probably look roughly like:
> 	/* optionally may need to preserve some other settings */
> set = (IN#(bktr, BKTR_GPIO_@@@@) & ~mask) | set;
> #endif
> OUT#(bktr, BKTR_GPIO_@@@@, set);	/* turn on relay "value" */
>  where
>      mask   optional turn off bits
>       set   enable bits
> 	 #  is the size (B)yte, (W)ord, (L)ong
>        @@@@ is the register location (you probably will have to add a
> 	    define for this location into the header file).


#define BKTR_GPIO_DMA_CTL               0x10C
#define BKTR_GPIO_OUT_EN                0x118
#define BKTR_GPIO_REG_INP               0x11C
#define BKTR_GPIO_DATA                  0x200

in /usr/src/sys/dev/bktr/bktr_reg.h any relevant to the above?
What to they represent?
Why i was able to call ioctl BT848_GPIO_* on /dev/tuner0 but 
not /dev/bktr0?
A little enlightment would be great!

> --Mark Tinguely

Achilleas Mantzios

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