ports/pvr250 / Hauppauge PVR250 on ECS K7VMM+

Arne Wörner arne_woerner at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 23 06:50:48 PDT 2007

--- Arne Wörner <arne_woerner at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Will try freebsd's 7CUR soon... :-)
Ur pvrxxx port (I downloaded it from the URL u mentioned some days ago) doesnt
crash on 7CUR (I had to do some changes, because it didnt compile... The return
type of cxm_intr_fast() should be int and the function where cxm_intr_fast is a
parameter needs a ",0" after cxm_intr_fast, because it has a new parameter

But it still stalls (i checked with CTRL+T and saw, that no blocks r read
anymore) as soon as I start to read from /dev/ad0 permanently (dd if=/dev/ad0

Furthermore "pvr250-setchannel -t -m 4 9" crashes the box (somehow
cxm_tuner_select_channel_set() tries to write to address 0x4 with instruction
movl %eax[4],eax or so)...

What else can I try?


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