Laptops & FreeBSD

Lars Engels lars.engels at
Wed Jul 27 12:20:49 UTC 2011

On Mon, 25 Jul 2011 11:22:33 -0600, Shaun Reiger wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> Thank you for the links and your laptop install story, I was glad to
> read that you where able to solve your boot/bios problems. I'm not
> sure if any one has tried installing FreeBSD on a Lenovo X1, but this
> was the laptop I was considering. It seems like most of hardware is
> intel. But I'm unsure of support for its hardware in the current BSD.
> Here is a link to the site, and if you know of any issues installing
> it please let me know.

You could download a 9-CURRENT snapshot [1] from PCBSD, flash it to 
thumb drive and
test the live mode in a notebook shop nearby.

That's what I did before buying my Lenovo X200.



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