Logitech V470 Bluetooth Mouse on FreeBSD ?

mato gamato at users.sf.net
Fri Apr 4 19:11:29 UTC 2008

Iain Hibbert wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, mato wrote:
>> Well, this mouse of mine presents itself exactly as you said ...
>> Input   id=2 size=12 count=1 page=Generic_Desktop usage=X Variable Relative,
>> Input   id=2 size=12 count=1 page=Generic_Desktop usage=Y Variable Relative,
> wow thats a sensitive mouse, 12 bit movements! :)

Well, I don't know how much is it -- 12 bits across what ?  1 inch ?

Anyway, I must say that mouse is quite sensitive and I'd like to adjust 
it a bit as it's sometimes difficult to control.  However, I've no idea 
how to achieve this.  Any suggestions please ?

>> Input   id=2 size=8 count=1 page=Generic_Desktop usage=Wheel Variable
>> Input   id=2 size=8 count=1 page=Consumer usage=AC_Pan Variable Relative,
>> What can be done about it ??
> I don't know - bthidd(4) could grow the support for AC_Pan fairly easily
> but I don't know how you would get that into the kernel - the mouse_info
> structure has no W direction and the ioctl would need to be versioned if
> the structure was extended as there was no padding..
> btw just to make you feel better I should say that sideways scroll does
> not always work in applications; eg GThumb considers the extra buttons
> to be 'next' and 'prev' instead and sideways scroll just jumps to the next
> picture.
> iain

Well, I would expect "better" applications would allow to configure 
those extra buttons.
Anyway, it's a bit shame having these cool buttons with no way to use 
them. :-(



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