hot swapping USB drives and install packages or ports from the CD

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Sun Jul 29 09:35:55 UTC 2007

Could you please wrap your lines before 80 columns.  Also, these
questions probably belong in freebsd-questions rather than here.

On 2007-Jul-28 22:48:59 -0400, Cecil <ceco108 at> wrote: 
>1.  I can't connect to the Internet because my friend has dial-up
>with MSN and I can't get the moden to connect

Is this the internal modem or an external modem?  What error are you
getting.  I suspect the internal modem is a winmodem and is not
supported by FreeBSD.

>2.  I would like to install Apache 2.2.4, PHP 5.2.3, and PHP-mysql
>5.2.3 from my cdrom but I dont really understand the port system and
>the dependicies, whether I should download the Distfiles to a CD

You have two options for ports:
a) Compile the ports yourself - which will automatically download distfiles.
b) Download pre-compiled binary packages and just install them.

A number of packages are available on the installation CDs or can
be downloaded from various FTP servers.

>3.  I have a USB stick drives that I would like to hotswap in and out
>--- when I boot they are there as /dev/da1s1 but will not return when
>I reinsert the drive in the usb port.

This should work.  If I understand you correctly, when you boot with
the stick inserted, it is detected correctly but if you remove it and
then re-insert it, it's not detected.  Could you please post the
relevant sections of /var/log/messages showing the initial da1 probe
messages, when you remove it and when you re-insert it.

Peter Jeremy
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