3945ABG wireless Driver and drm for i945GM issues

Torfinn Ingolfsen torfinn.ingolfsen at broadpark.no
Fri Aug 18 15:38:09 UTC 2006


On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 10:43:07 +0100
Vince <jhary at unsane.co.uk> wrote:

> that the big discontinued all across his website mean he's no longer
> working on the freebsd driver.
> Does anyone know if this is the case

Funny you should ask. A few weeks ago I tested the driver on FreeBSD
6.1, found that it didn't work (nobody had siad that it would work,
either), and sent Damien a mail wirth my findings.
In his reply, he stated that the wpi driver for FreeBSD was developed
for his own personal use, and that he don't plan on any further
development of this driver. He stated that he maintains the driver in

> and if so is anyone planning to  continue his work? 

AFAIK, nobody has taken up the challenge.

>If not then has anyone had any luck with the ndis
> wrapper for this card yet as i occasionally have to kldunload the
> firmware then the driver then reload the firmware.

I have searched extensively, but so far haven't been able to find any
success stories about ndis and the 3945.

I would love to get the 3945 t work under FreeBSD.
Torfinn Ingolfsen,

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