3 years and going strong!

Norberto Meijome freebsd at meijome.net
Sun Aug 13 02:14:23 UTC 2006

On Sat, 12 Aug 2006 17:48:38 -0700
"Kevin Oberman" <oberman at es.net> wrote:

> My fairly shiny new T43 has one as does a co-worker's new T60. I don't know 
> about the new, low-cost 3000 series, but I believe that all other ThinkPads 
> have a track point as do many Dell and HP systems. Probably other brands, too.

the thinkpad Z60 series (at least the m models) also have both the touchpad and
the joystick with 3 buttons

> Oddly, the scratch-pad must be disabled to enable the middle button. This has 
> never made sense to me, but it seems that is the way it is.

i *guess* it's because the touchpad has only 2 buttons (+ the tap- mode on the
pad itself), and to moused , the pad and joystick is seen as only 1 device ...
i'd love to be proven wrong though. I just disabled the pad in the BIOS and
moved on ;)


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