3 years and going strong!

Brooks Davis brooks at one-eyed-alien.net
Sat Aug 12 23:22:58 UTC 2006

On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 02:21:22PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> 	Guys,
> 	Thanks to lotsa sweat, lots of help from this list, and $340,
> 	my ThinkPad 600E has served me will for three years.  iN a year 
> 	two or I'll be thinking of upgrading from a P-II [400MHz] to
> 	around 700-900Mhz.   But only a TP that has this tiny mouse-stick
> 	and three horizontal clickers.  I have use of only one hand and
> 	those [bleeping] scratch-n-sniff mouse-cursor devices are
> 	signifigant obstacles.  So:: can anybody tell me if there are 
> 	faster TP's that have this configuration.   [[ I figure using
> 	BSD or Linux doesn't require gigahertz processors; just one
> 	reason the unix-paradigm is tops.]]

The X40 is faster than you request (1Ghz), but does have the track point
device with three buttons.  I like it because it's very portable.

-- Brooks
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