6.0 and wireless setup - documentation?

Michael Vince mv at roq.com
Thu Nov 10 21:15:24 PST 2005

Eric Schuele wrote:

> Sam Leffler wrote:
>> Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> After upgrading my laptop (Thinkpad T41) to FreeBSD 6.0, I was ready
>>> to try out the new wireless functionality.
>>> My wireless router uses WPA, and I use dhcp on my network.
>>> I checked the handbook, the faq and did a search on Google for "freebsd
>>> wireless wpa".
>>> 1) Where are the documentation?
>>> There are man pages for ifconfig, wpa_supplicant and 
>>> wpa_supplicant.conf
>>> (BTW, that man page fails to tell you that the file belongs in /etc),
>>> but there are no "how to set up all necessary files and config for
>>> wireless with WPA" articles anywhere (that I could find).
>> The documentation leaves a lot to be desired.
>>> 2) It seems that we are missing some infrastructure bits (or
>>> documentation) in /etc/rc.conf. I can use 'ifconfig_ath0="DHCP"' in
>>> /etc/rc.conf to tell it to start dhclient for that interface, which is
>>> fine. But how do I tell the system to start wpa_supplicant? As far 
>>> as I could find out, there are no "wpa_" knobs in
>>> /etc/defaults/rc.conf and the /etc/rc.d/wpa_supplicant script is 
>>> missing
>>> documentation.
>>> How is this supposed to work, actually?
>> ifconfig_ath0="WPA DHCP"
>>> I can get the wireless work manually, like this:
>>> a) in /boot/loader.conf:
>>>    if_ath_load="YES"
>>>    wlan_tkip_load="YES"
>>> (I got an error message that said the the wlan_tkip modulen should be
>>> loaded manually for now)
>> Yes, the crypto modules need to be loaded by hand for now.  There are 
> I have:
>   device wlan_wep
>   device wlan_ccmp
>   device wlan_tkip
> in my kernel config file... is this improper?  Seems to be working 
> without any problems.

I am a bit anti kernel recompile and put them all in /boot/loader.conf 
and it works fine.
Interestingly just looking at the wireless article now it looks like 
they have updated it to include an example of loading them as modules 
which is good to see, in my opinion there isn't enough examples and docs 
using kernel modules through out the FreeBSD documentation.



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