Reattach/redetect allways connected umass device - is it possible ?

M. Warner Losh imp at
Tue Mar 29 09:28:41 PST 2005

In message: <200503291707.j2TH7gTo052830 at>
            Garrett Wollman <wollman at> writes:
: <<On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 08:44:30 -0700 (MST), Warner Losh <imp at> said:
: > No they don't.  They umass device (the thing that the CF card plugs
: > into) does.  However, there's no asynchonous event that happens when
: > the CF (or whatever) card is inserted or removed. 
: With newer memory devices, the card *is* the umass device.  Certainly
: that's the case with Sony Memory Stick.  The "reader" is nothing more
: than a hub.  (CF is unusual in that regard because it's really a
: slimmed-down PC-CARD device.)

But the 'hub' doesn't report when the memory device comes and goes.
All the hubs I've tested recently have da devices for all the memory
card(s) they can read and you have to do a camcontrol rescan after
you've inserted the memory device to read.


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