Dell TrueMobile 1300 replacement

David Gilbert dgilbert at
Thu Mar 11 12:46:53 PST 2004

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Bettinger <mbettinger at> writes:

Matthew> Hello, We recently purchased some Dell Latitude D505 and D600
Matthew> laptops at work which will be used for freebsd 4.9.  They
Matthew> came with the Dell TrueMobile 1300 minipci card which has
Matthew> very little support all around and will need to be replaced.

Matthew> What is a tried and true, without fail, decent card (pcmcia
Matthew> or mini-pci) that you would recommend as a replacement?

Matthew> I've been reading the FAQ and the an and wi man pages but I
Matthew> still feel a little apprehensive about purchasing new cards
Matthew> for these boxes without some list-serv feedback.

Matthew> I was leaning towards the cisco aironet 352...

Matthew> The minimum criteria for the cards is support 802.11b and
Matthew> support 128bit wep.

There's an atheros mini-pci card that I've seen on sale for $75 US
that works well.  The one problem I had with my D800 was that the
ariel leads wouldn't reach teh position of the new card's connectors.
I found, after disassembling the laptop, that the lead could be run a
different way that allowed it to reach the connectors on the card.

The $75 card supports a/b/g very well and has good performance and

The website I bought mine from was

That said, the 1300 works fairly well under project evil if you want
to save money and hassle.


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.       | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:       dave at                    |  equal if and only if they |
|                              |   are precisely opposite.  |

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