Cisco Aironet 350

Anatoliy Romanko aromanko at
Tue Aug 24 14:33:39 PDT 2004

Hello everyone!

I recently got my hands on this card and I am all into making use of it.
I have Compaq Evo N610c laptop, 5.2 current with custom kernel and blah...

Cad is working fine, it is an0 and I have no problems with 
starting/stopping or anything in this sence.

Anyone has same card working? I'm interested what software you would 
be using. wicontrol used to give me a list of active access points, 
ancontrol doesn't. I tried to play arround with switching it to monitor 
mode, but as pointed out somewhere in the list before it makes dhclient 
unhappy. I saw that some linux soft works with it, but couldn't make 
kismet agree with it's config.

Maybe there is different way of installing drivers apart from compiling 
'an' in kernel?

Anyways. Enough. Whoever had this thing, let me know, plz.
Many thanks.


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