IBM ThinkPad X40, kudos to FreeBSD

Randy Bush randy at
Fri Aug 6 12:01:27 PDT 2004

> I made it boot diskless, took about 2 minutes, booted current, mounted
> the ntfs partition

and that's where i get in trouble

# fdisk ad0
******* Working on device /dev/ad0 *******
parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
cylinders=110048 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl)

Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
cylinders=110048 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl)

Media sector size is 512
Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
Information from DOS bootblock is:
The data for partition 1 is:
sysid 7 (0x07),(OS/2 HPFS, NTFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
    start 63, size 32764977 (15998 Meg), flag 0
        beg: cyl 0/ head 1/ sector 1;
        end: cyl 1023/ head 15/ sector 63
The data for partition 2 is:
sysid 12 (0x0c),(DOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FAT (LBA))
    start 32765040, size 2131920 (1040 Meg), flag 0
        beg: cyl 1023/ head 255/ sector 63;
        end: cyl 1023/ head 15/ sector 63

# mount_ntfs /dev/ad0s1 /share
mount_ntfs: /dev/ad0s1: Operation not supported by device


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