dell inspiron 8500, vga console mode, bluetooth, etc.

Jacques Caron Jacques.Caron at
Fri May 16 02:20:27 PDT 2003


At 10:43 16/05/2003, Josh Brooks wrote:
>2. Any reports/comments/knowledge on the TrueMobile miniPCI 802.11b/g card

Right now, the only supported TrueMobile card is the 1150 (Orinoco OEM, 
802.11b). The others use chipsets that are not yet supported, afaik.

>3. (general question) - from time to time I run across a terminal or
>computer where the key response is fast instead of slow.  What I mean is,
>in FreeBSD (or any other OS for that matter) if you put the cursor at the
>front of a line and just hold down right-arrow, the cursor will move
>character by character over to the right.  but, most of the time it does
>so slowly - maybe 1/3 second per movement ... but once in a while i get to
>a system or terminal that does it much much faster - movig up and down,
>left and right with the arrows ... and key repeat ... it is much much
>So the question is, what determines this key response speed, and how can i
>set any laptop I am using to the faster speed ?

If you're running FreeBSD directly on that machine, "kbdcontrol -r fast" 
(or the appropriate entry in rc.conf) is your friend. Check man kbdcontrol 
for more details. If you're using some terminal software under some other 
OS, then you should use the preferences settings of that OS (e.g. in 
Windows, the Keyboard control pannel).


-- Jacques Caron, IP Sector Technologies
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