Problems with XFree 4.3/FreeBSD and a Inspiron 5100.

Peter Losher plosher-keyword-freebsd.a36e57 at
Mon Jul 28 21:50:22 PDT 2003

So I got XFree86 to work on this Inspiron 5100, FINALLY :)  I ended up
going the DRI route and commenting out AGP in the kernel, since it now
uses the Radeon DRI kernel module.  'XFree86 -configure' still doesn't
work, but I was able to cobble together a working XFConfig.

Now I have the problem where now when I load X11, and pressing any key on
the keyboard now goes thru a series of zoom levels instead of providing
input.  This was working fine for the past 48 hours, and I can't fathom
what I may have done to cause this (X11 is now unusable in this state)

Now when I can get that straightened out and I can find a driver for the
on-board Broadcom NIC (yes, I know it doesn't exist thanks to Broadcom),
this system will be perfect. :)

Best Wishes - Peter
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