Wireless PCMCIA problems with 4.8-RELEASE on a Gateway 5100

Aric Allen aric_allen at myrealbox.com
Sun Jul 27 23:01:34 PDT 2003

Not quite sure how to run this.  Got it copied down and over to the Laptop.  Removed the evil carriage returns at the end of the file.  I went ahead and tried "gcc pir.c" on a lark, but it just popped out an "a.out" file with some really wierd gunk in it.



-----Original Message-----
From: "M. Warner Losh" <imp at bsdimp.com>
To: aric_allen at myrealbox.com
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 23:15:29 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Wireless PCMCIA problems with 4.8-RELEASE on a Gateway 5100

Cool.  Can you run the http://people.freebsd.org/~imp/pir.c and post
the output too?


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