Variable NFS mounts / firewall rules.

Mike Jackson mjj at
Tue Jul 15 23:23:07 PDT 2003

ext lewiz (purple at wrote:
> Ah, cool.  I actually use LDAP here (although only because I can, not
> for any /real/ reason) and it's quite fun.  I've been struggling every
> now and again with slapd sort of dying, but that's another issue.
> FreeBSD NSS-support is still a bit weak, but hopefully that'll be
> resolved.

Some people swear that OpenLDAP serves their one million query per day
needs and has stayed running for more than a year. I don't believe it.
It's a very particular software. The versions can have all sorts of
strange behaviour, for example 2.2.15 might not "work at all", while
2.2.16 could be "rock solid". You never know what to expect with
a new version of OpenLDAP. However, the client tools are very good.

Anyhow, you can run OpenLDAP under DJB's daemontools quite easily. If
the daemon dies, it will be automatically restarted within 5 seconds
(usually within 1 second). That is, unless you have a configuration
problem and the server will just start, die, restart, die, etc...

Here's my daemontools "run" script for slapd. Pretty simple, eh?

/usr/local/libexec/slapd -f /etc/slapd.conf

I've also been waiting for improved NSS support in FreeBSD for a long
time now...

Mike Jackson

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