Variable NFS mounts / firewall rules.

lewiz purple at
Sun Jul 13 06:20:43 PDT 2003

On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 01:30:46AM +0200, Tobias Roth wrote:
> I am working towards a more or less complete 'laptop multihoming'
> solution that fits in the base system (probably plus an optional
> port). It is a somewhat complicated task, but I am confident I will
> have a working solution available in a few weeks (think 5 to 8).

You've probably already considered this, but I've just been playing with
amd for mounting the remote homedir, etc.  This seems a pretty powerful
tool, and from what I understand the map files can be distributed
through a system like NIS (which would be superb for a fully automated
environment, such as you discuss), as well as being OS-independent (the
map files can use ${os}).

  I found of particular use.  Hope alls
going well.

  Best wishes,


I went to the race track once and bet on a horse that was so good that
it took seven others to beat him!
-| msn:purple at | jab:lewiz at | url: |-
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