Time stands still when sleeping

Michael Collette metrol at metrol.net
Sat Jul 5 14:16:53 PDT 2003

Got an oddball problem with that Thinkpad R40 I've been posting to this list 
about.  Most things I've got working pretty decently, and I've been able to 
pass this box along to its rightful owner.  It's running 5-CURRENT, updated 
about a week or so back.  ACPI is very very off.  APM is on and functioning.

When this box goes into sleep mode the system clock does not update.  For 
example, the time right now is 2:09 here.  If I put this in sleep mode for an 
hour then wake it up, the laptop thinks it is still 2:09.

The clock works fine otherwise.  When shutting the box all the way off, time 
continues to update.  This problem only shows up when put into sleep mode.

As you might imagine, I'm not seeing any error messages on screen or in the 
logs.  Heck, it took a while to notice I even had a problem.  Being a 
reasonably new install a couple of times I was fooled into thinking I just 
forgot to set the time.

Any ideas out there about this one?

Later on,
"Always listen to experts.  They'll tell you what can't be done, and why.  
Then do it."
- Robert A. Heinlein

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