MIPS supported gdb

Patrick Mahan PMahan at adaranet.com
Tue Aug 24 21:22:24 UTC 2010


I need to know if building gdb (either as a cross-tool or as a native image) is supported
for the MIPS architecture.

We are building a version of FreeBSD 8.0 which I have checked and see that building gdb is
disabled there.

However, if I can build it from HEAD, that would be great.

Target System

   Octeon EBHT5800 Eval board w/ 4 Gbytes RAM

Host build system

   FreeBSD 8.0 amd64

Or should I pull down the gdb sources directly from GNU and try to build the gdb as a
cross tool?

Thanks for you input,

Kernel Tech Lead, Adara Networks

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