project active?

Ralf Baechle ralf at
Sat Jun 25 01:55:46 GMT 2005

On Fri, Jun 24, 2005 at 08:32:59AM -0700, beowuff wrote:

> Well, I used OpenBSD because it officially supported the O2 10000. I
> don't see the Origin 200 listed on NetBSD... OpenBSD's site
> specifically lists porting to the 200 here,
>, so that might be a good place to start.

OpenBSD afaik still has no NUMA support and without that the scalability
would be rather low limiting the usefulness of such a port.  I'd says the
limit is something like 8 processors that is a single Origin 200 module;
going beyond would be painful.

> Other options show Gentoo linux with experamntal support here
> Debian has had mips support for awhile, but I'm not finding anything
> for the Origin.

It is possible to install Debian (or any other Linux distribution) on an
Origin from an NFS root.


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