A note about status.

Juli Mallett jmallett at FreeBSD.org
Tue Nov 11 12:24:33 PST 2003


I've been very busy with job, moving to Hawai`i, etc., but I've had some
time recently to work on FreeBSD/MIPS again.  I've fixed some very dumb
bugs, and gotten the TLB, etc., stuff working fairly well.  Still kernel
only, but I've got plans for how the code would need to change for user
space, not at it matters yet.  Currently getting to SI_SUB_CREATE_INIT,
blowing up from a self-positioned pmap_pinit() panic.  If I remove it,
it blows up for confuddling reasons not long after.

The toolchain probably doesn't build right now, but I intend to look
at fixing that.  The main problem is that BU/GCC changes haven't been
caught up with at all by me.  I need to synch the FSF files and catch
my configurations up as necessary.

I've still not touched loader stuff, it seems like an easy way to waste
a lot of time right now, and I'd rather get things solid than fight that

I'm doing all this on my R4400 Indigo2's.  I've seen some weird stuff
with my Indy, but that may have been related to a dumb mistake in the
TLB refill code I fixed last night.  Either than, or the R4600 is just
unsuitable for running with the KX bit set (extended kernel mode - 64
bit address space).  I have other hardware on the way, and intend to
get an O2 to play with, too.  I'd like to keep things inclusive from
an early stage, and not make any assumptions that might bite me badly.
The other hardware on the way isn't something SGI :)

Anyone interested in helping out is welcome to, I'm even willing to put
in time to make my Perforce tree available to the outside (non-FreeBSD)
world, if there's enough interest, or help out in other ways.  Questions
welcome :)

juli mallett. email: jmallett at freebsd.org; efnet: juli; aim: bsdflata;
the finer things keep shining through the way my soul gets lost in you

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