Min. ports needed for headless AWT/Swing

Aryeh Friedman aryeh.friedman at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 15:43:56 UTC 2020

I have a java application that works fine with setenv DISPLAY :0.0 on my
desktop FreeBSD 12.1 (amd64) [with Xfce4] but when I attempt to run the
same app on a VM that has the minimum ports needed to install OpenJDK 8 and
Tomcat I get an exception saying that it can't connect to the X server even
though I did setenv DISPLAY desktop:0.0 (and xhost + on the desktop).
Note it is the same user on both machines (NIS/NFS password DB/home dirs)
doing the running on both machines but is a different user then the one
logged in at the console (I do all my development in a separate account)

Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer, http://www.PetiteCloud.org

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