Running a Java application on the host in a browser

Horst Leitenmüller horst.leitenmueller at
Fri Sep 23 07:36:06 UTC 2016


depending on your needs if the client is whatever firefox / request via json / … or a fat client real Swing application 
and server is a web service base solution or RMI then you can run the server without X11 just a few libraries are needed
tomcat is normally for web requests via http therefore you would not need the X11 only the libraries

how do you start the client app ?
is it a standalone ?  (= Swing client)
is the access via http browser ?

 for me it sounds like a fat client, then you have not the chance to run it on the host…

but explain a little bit more, perhaps i can help you

br horst

> On 23 Sep 2016, at 09:14, Matthias Apitz <guru at> wrote:
> El día Friday, September 23, 2016 a las 08:36:12AM +0200, Andrea Venturoli escribió:
>> On 09/22/16 15:02, Matthias Apitz wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We have some applications written in Java and which are running (normally) on a
>>> Windows PC or any kind of workstation in a Java VM. What I'm wondering about, if
>>> it is somehow possible run the app on the host and the window within some
>>> browser plugin, i.e. the picture and keyboard is sent over some kind of
>>> protocol between the Java app -- tomcat -- browser/plug-in, in the style
>>> like RDP. Have never been any attempts to create such method?
>> What about X11?
> No. This requires an X11 server and is much more than just a browser.
> 	matthias
> -- 
> Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, ⌂  ☎ +49-176-38902045
> "Ohne die Mauer hätte es Krieg gegeben" Fritz Streletz u.a.
> "Sin el Muro hubiese habido guerra."
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