Mysterious reboot involving Java...

John W jwdevel at
Wed Jul 9 04:19:04 UTC 2014

I have a strange issue where when I run certain Java programs my
machine will spontaneously reboot. No useful log messages are produced
that I have found.

I found some suspiciously similar issues [1] [2] reported by others,
but I am having a tough time determining if it has been fixed in my
version of the kernel.
I found reference to a patch [3] but that is only for FreeBSD 10.

I'm on an older build: FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #2 r253726: Mon Jul 29
19:46:55 PDT 2013

This happens when I recompile OpenJDK, and also when doing some image
processing with JAlbum.

I'd be happy to update my system, but I'd like to have some confidence
that I'll be getting a fix for this issue before I spend some hours on
that task.

Does anyone have any tips for tracking this down, or familiarity with
this issue?


 :  "As part of the Jenkins setup, Craig Rodrigues encountered
problems with running Java on FreeBSD 9.2 and FreeBSD 10.0. Both
problems stemmed from changes to the FreeBSD Virtual Memory (VM)

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