Need JNA fixed in Jenkins for FreeBSD

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at
Thu Aug 21 18:21:42 UTC 2014


In this thread:

Jesse Glick pointed out to me that this pull request:

bumps up the JNA in Jenkins to 4.1.0.  This will pull in the FreeBSD
fix as a side effect.
Is anybody working on 1181?  It would be great to get this in, because
it would fix
other things besides FreeBSD.


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:47 PM, Craig Rodrigues <rodrigc at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently, when running Jenkins under FreeBSD, libpam fails to work.
> This is because the JNA which is included with Jenkins hasn't been
> updated in a while, and lacks some minor fixes needed for FreeBSD.
> Anthony Williams has submitted this pull request to jna in Jenkins:
> to fix JNA on FreeBSD.  With this fix, PAM authentication under FreeBSD now
> works.
> Can someone in the Jenkins development team incorporate this pull request?
> Thanks.
> --
> Craig

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