Using Apache ant without base gcc

Peter Jeremy peter at
Wed Sep 25 11:39:07 UTC 2013

[Please Cc me on any responses]


I am the manintainer for graphics/jogl and the build cluster reports that
it's failing on head on both i386 and amd64 because there's no gcc:

/wrkdirs/usr/ports/graphics/jogl/work/gluegen/make/build.xml:343: Could not launch gcc: Cannot run program "gcc" (in directory "/wrkdirs/usr/ports/graphics/jogl/work/gluegen/build/obj"): error=2, No such file or directory

The compiler is defined as:
    <compiler id="compiler.cfg.freebsd" name="gcc">
    <compiler id="compiler.cfg.freebsd.amd64" name="gcc">
      <compilerarg value="-fPIC"/>

If I add "USE_GCC=any" to the port Makefile then it still fails because
lang/gcc installs 'gcc46', rather than 'gcc'.

If I change all the 'gcc' references to 'cc' (which would pick up
clang) then it fails with:
/tank/obj/usr/ports/graphics/jogl/work/gluegen/make/gluegen-cpptasks.xml:497: cc is not a legal value for this attribute
where gluegen-cpptasks.xml:497 has
  <compiler id="compiler.cfg.freebsd" name="cc">

I'm a long way from an expert on ant and I've had a rummage around the
Internet but haven't found a solution.  Can anyone with more ant-foo help?

Peter Jeremy
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