New to Java on FreeBSD.

Dan Carroll fbsd at
Tue May 31 11:48:32 UTC 2011


I'm not new to java, nor am I new to freebsd.   But I've never combined 
the two since historically, it was either not possible or difficult.

But I'm about to emark on a new project and java is my language of 
choice.   I was wondering if it's feasible to do this with FreeBSD now.

It looks like the recommended way to go is to use openJDK on freebsd.
Is it an efficient JRE?  Is it stable?  Are there binary packages 
available or are there licensing problems that prevent it?
What about EJB and Servelet containers?  Is it possible to get something 
going under FreeBSD.

I guess basically I am curious as to what the overall status of Java and 
FreeBSD is.   The FreeBSD project page is quite outdated, so I just 
joined this list in the hope that someone can shed some light for me.


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