New patch for FreeBSD ports devel/apache-ant

Herve Quiroz hq at
Thu Jan 22 23:17:04 PST 2009

Andrei V. Lavreniyuk wrote:
> I test, if
> ---------------
> exec "${JAVACMD}" ${ANT_OPTS} -classpath "${LOCALCLASSPATH}"
> -Dant.home="${DATADIR}" ${ANT_ARGS}
> -lib "${CLASSPATH}" "$@"
> --------------
> then following ports
> - java/java-checkstyle
> - textproc/ant-xinclude-task
> - java/xdoclet (JAR contains an Ant task)
> - www/extsm
> - www/jetspeed
> build an installed fine.

Problem is not only to install them but to run the applications. For
example, checkstyle will install fine but then any project which
references the task will break. That's why it is difficult to test. And
that's why I don't think any port test build will improve things.

>> I'll do more tests with the patch applied and see if any "critical" port
>> fails to build.

By "critical" I mean things like xerces-j, xalan and saxon that are
currently included in ANT_LIB, but should not be. Everything related to
XML can cause problems because of the JAXP classpath factory discovery

I'll probably find some time to test those ports tonight.


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