New patch for FreeBSD ports devel/apache-ant

Herve Quiroz hq at
Wed Jan 21 14:19:19 PST 2009

Hi Andrei,

Well, the good side is that I don't think this patch will break anything
in the ports tree. OTOH I think you were right in the first place.
Looking at the original shell script for the distribution, the correct
argument is ${ANT_LIB}. The problem is that there are some Java
libraries in the ports tree that are installing custom tasks as JAR
files in ${JAVAJARDIR} and these will no longer be available as-is from

I am still unsure if we should go for upstream-behavior correctness or
ports behavior stability.

So far I know about the following ports that provide an Ant task in the
JAR file installed in JAVAJARDIR:

- java/java-checkstyle
- textproc/ant-xinclude-task

Main problem here is that we can't build all Java ports and analyze the
content of the JAR files. And using portsearch, I could just list the
following ports with a run dependency on devel/apache-ant:

- java/xdoclet (JAR contains an Ant task)
- www/extsm
- www/jetspeed

Maybe we could just assume that ports that do not correctly reference
their run dependencies are more likely to be broken anyway.

BTW, the best way to set this option is through -Dant.library.dir.

I'll do more tests with the patch applied and see if any "critical" port
fails to build.


Andrei V. Lavreniyuk wrote:
> Hi!
> It will be more correct whew, view attached files -

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