Performance of Java on FreeBSD vs. Linux and others

Michael Vince mv at
Thu Aug 7 09:34:49 UTC 2008

You could try the latest SPECjvm2008 which is now available for free for 
download and do some benchmarking for us, I don't think many people 
really know where FreeBSD stands on Java.
I did run through the test on FreeBSD with no problems, its pretty good 
as it creates a HTML table of the results at the end.
I didn't much time as well as have anything to compare it to, I tried to 
run it on a Windows desktop but it won't run as MS has deliberately 
designed windows non server for a low amount of threads so it fails a 
lot of the tests etc.

If you were able to spot bottle necks in FreeBSD they tend to get fixed, 
the problem tends to be finding them, just like how they found kernel 
locking issues on UDP protocol performance these are now fixed but only 
after they were pulled to light.


Sharkie wrote:
> Forgive me for bringing up this issue again. I tried searching in the 
> archive, and I could only find discussions from late 2006. Now that 
> FreeBSD 7.0 is out and we have a new scheduler, can someone comment on 
> performance of Java on FreeBSD vs. Linux and others? I tried following 
> the old thread and I believe it was inconclusive rather than that 
> FreeBSD is definitely slower. Yet, there was an argument on how much 
> slower. I would really like to know this information because I will be 
> doing heavy number crunching in Java. A 20% performance gain could 
> save me 1-2 day at a time.
> Thanks!
> Shark
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