JDK 1.5.0 patchset 7 "South China"

Nick Johnson freebsd at spatula.net
Sun Oct 28 13:12:21 PDT 2007

Sadly, this does NOT correct the eternal negative caching problem.  That 
problem still remains, even though I've configured the JDK not to cache 
negative results at all.

I can do a tcpdump and see that the JDK makes no attempt whatsoever to 
query a host again after it has previously timed out.  Nothing I've tried 
to fix the problem has had any effect.


On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Nick Johnson wrote:

> It remains to be seen whether this will resolve the problems I've been 
> having with InetAddress caching, but I am hopeful that it will.

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 afraid and doing what you have to do anyway."
   Doctor Who - Planet of the Daleks
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