commons-daemon port and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Ronald Klop ronald-freebsd8 at
Mon Jul 9 11:56:54 UTC 2007


As posted in another thread I made a simple port of the jakarta project  
Commons-daemon consists of an executable 'jsvc' which links java and  
starts the application use an API defined in commons-daemon.jar.

Everything compiles and runs almost. I only have one problem.
It exists with this error.
'Error occurred during initialization of VM
Unable to load native library: Shared object "" not found,  
required by ""'

The jsvc programma forks itself and the child gives this error.
If I first set  
and then start jsvc everythings works ok.

How can I make the jsvc-child find the same libs as its parent. Truss  
shows that the parent finds the libs without LD_LIBRARY_PATH set.



  Ronald Klop
  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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